February 5, 2010

Dear Rain, You Suck...But Diet, You're Not So Bad

I can't believe that a week ago we were getting ready for a fun snow storm and now we are getting flooded.  I guess the tubes we used for snow tubing could be used for going down the river...in my front yard.

Well, my friends, week 4 is almost at a close.  Can you believe that we have been at this for almost a month???  I can't, it's been crazy.  On Monday I will post my weight, as usual, and we will also get some updated pictures (I know you are all excited about seeing that...).

So, this is how I'm feeling at the end of week 4:
  • This has not been the easiest thing I've ever done (but it's not been the hardest either).  The last few weeks have been especially difficult.  I have also had some real issues with understanding what food is to me and how important it is to me.  I have had several breakdowns because I get so angry.  They go like this:  "I hate being fat."  "Why is it that whatever I eat makes me fat, but skinny people can eat anything they like and don't gain a pound."  "I want to eat what I want to eat."  "I hate being told that I can't have what I want."  "I hate not being able to have what I want."  It has been really hard at times, but I have had to come to the realization that food is not the only thing that makes me happy...I have also come to the realization that I have some ''addicted to food'' tendencies.  That has been difficult.
  • I am probably feeling the best I have ever felt, physically that is.  Since the diet began I have had, maybe 4 or 5 headaches, with only 1 or 2 being really really bad.  I used to have a headache everyday!!!  And would average 1 to 2 severe migraines a week.  Not any more, that has been an amazing ''side effect'' of this new healthy lifestyle.  I also have more energy (I used to sleep 9 or 10 hours a night and be tired by 2 pm the next day...now I can stay up later, get up earlier, and I feel great all day).  My legs and ankles don't hurt as much.  I have had very little back pain (laying down in bed at night used to be extremely painful for the first 10 minutes or so).  It is amazing what exercising, losing some weight, and not filling your body with ''crap'' can do!!!
  • I am learning more self control and doing a better job of eating and exercising...but not without some struggle.  If you have kept up with the blog you have seen the many times I have slipped up, eaten too much, eaten the wrong thing, etc.  I have, first of all, been able to get over those times and not worried about it, realizing that it really is okay in the grand scheme of things.  I have also gotten better, this week was great for me...I went out to eat for dinner earlier in the week, had McDonald's last night (which I did because I was short on time, BUT I asked for the nutrition facts first [to which the girl working said ''I can see them, but you ain't gon' like 'em''] and found the best option [a Ranch BLT with grilled chicken for 470 calories]...and I drank water), and then went to lunch today.  I have decided that I am going to limit myself to eating out twice per week (thanks for the suggestion Kayley) and one of those times will be Friday lunch at The Snack Shop.  I just love it and I have got to have that tradition in my life, hahahahaah.
  • Finally, I enjoy working out!!!  I know, isn't it crazy?  I am finding that I enjoy going to the gym because I feel great and know it is having great results.
So there, a little bit of how we're doing as week 4 comes to a close.

I will be busy all weekend, so may not get a chance to update the blog until Sunday afternoon.  But I will try to drop in and let you all know how the weekend is going!

Until Next Time...



PS:  I have realized ALL of my pants are looser...that's a great feeling!  :-)

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