March 2, 2010

Tis Tuesday...

So, I wrote yesterday letting you all know that I would be starting back on the diet plan and I can report today that it is going very well.  I did my weight in, went to the gym, and did some grocery shopping.  We got a ton of fresh fruits and veggies, it is good to see the house stocked with peppers, onions, peaches, bananas, grapes, asparagus, berries, spinach, and avocado.  On the protein front we purchased chicken, pork chops, fish, shrimp, and tofu.  And then there are eggs, organic milk, cheese, yogurt, a ton of Lean Cuisines, and various other snacks and such.  I looooooove food, so I had to be sure that the house is stocked with yummy, yet nutritious, items.

The gym is going well too, I just love how I feel after I work out.  So refreshed and good about myself.  It's great!

Well, today instead of just rambling about myself I figured I would share an interesting article that I found on Yahoo!  The article addresses childhood obesity and the amount of snacking that American kids do.  It says that "U.S. children eat an average three snacks a day on top of three regular meals, a finding that could explain why the childhood obesity rate has risen to more than 16 percent, researchers said on Tuesday."  Wow!  That's a lot of chips, cookies, juice boxes, and fruit.  I feel like snacking is good for me at times because it helps me not overeat when it does come meal time, but I guess it's important to keep them to a minimum  and not eat too much when snacking.

Until Next Time...



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