January 13, 2010

Day 3...

So, today was day 3, and it has gone pretty well.  I ate well and went to the gym.  I did 3.25 miles on the elliptical and 1/2 a mile on the treadmill.  I think I'll add in weights in a couple of weeks, but for now I just want to get used to being in the gym and working out in general.

As for other things that have been going on...

  • I've had a headache ever since I started, it was pretty bad at the beginning, but now it's just a dull ache.  I'm not sure what it is, but I think it may be the fact that I am not putting caffeine in my body and my body doesn't know how to handle that.  
  • I have a really big issue with mindless eating.  Today I was sitting at home typing some emails and listening to music and wanted to eat.  I had finished lunch like half an hour earlier but I still had a desire to eat.  This is a big issue
  • I'm still trying to figure out how many calories to consume a day.  My first day I had about 1,200.  Yesterday I had about 1,500.  And today I had about 1,800.  My friend Kevin sent my blog info. to a dietician friend of his and she suggested I use a formula to calculate the number of calories I need to consume in one day to maintain my current weight, that number is 4,378.  I am eating a LOT less than that, and burning about 500 calories in the gym.  So, I just don't know if I'm doing it right.  Am I eating too much or not enough?  I am full all the time and don't really have a desire to eat, except for meal times and an afternoon snack.  We'll see how this goes for a little while and then I'll revisit it.  I guess the biggest thing is just making better choices than I used to make.  In the past I would eat as much of whatever I wanted.  Now I am eating more nutritious and more healthy foods in smaller portions.
  • I contacted a registered dietician today and found out some more information about scheduling an appointment with them.  The only issue is how much it would cost.  They do participate in a great program with my insurance company, BlueCross and BlueShield of NC, where a person gets 6 visits covered 100% per benefit period.  The sad thing is that my plan under BCBSNC doesn't participate in that program, so I am waiting on a call back from them on how much it would be to see them and pay a copay.  Hopefully it won't be too much, I really want to start seeing a dietician to help me with my questions on daily caloric intake.
Finally, I want to thank all of my lovely readers and followers for being so supportive and keeping up with the blog!  I hope that it has been what you expected and love your comments!  

Until Next Time...




  1. Tyler, I just wanted to say again that I am proud of you for doing this! Keep up the good work!

    As far as how many calories you should be taking in, here is a website that might help:


  2. Hey Tyler! I truly believe that a lot of our ailments can be fixed with a glass of water. When I started training for my 1/2, I was waking up with headaches every morning. However, now I drink a glass of water every morning as soon as I wake up, continue sipping all day, and drink another glass before going to bed. My headaches have definitely decreased. Maybe you should try it.


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I hope you visit again soon!!!
